Avada Spa
Avada Spa
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If you’re looking for a safe space to discuss the impact of hate, racism, and discrimination, we invite you to join our Days of Dialogue event on Wednesday, January 15th. This virtual event, facilitated by the Institute of Nonviolence in Los Angeles, provides an open and supportive space to share experiences, learn how to respond to discrimination, and explore meaningful next steps. Far too often, many of us face discrimination and are unsure how to react and unsure of where or who to turn to. Together, we can share our experiences, thoughts, and empower each other. We hope you’ll join us for this important conversation. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Registration Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwkdOChrz8iHNXaBMuZ_Zz3LqiB9Ql-UXlz#/registration


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